I. Am. Supergirl.

I'm back bebeh! :-D
Friday, June 8, 2012 | 9:26 AM | 0 Words

Assalamualaikum warahmatulahi wabarakatuhu dan Salam satu blogger :)
Wawwwww, lamanya tak post. Rindu sangat! Actually, I've been busy in this few times. Anyways, bila bukak blopg tengok 77 followers. 33 followers tu saya tengah menunggu awak :* Cuti 2 minggu pun dah nak habis. Rasa macam 2 hari daripada 2 minggu. Cikgu, bagi 2 bulan pun bolehh :D Hewhew, jangan marah ye? ;) I got a new phone, new friends, new school, new boyfriend ♥ and a new twin :) It's been 3 months with him. But, there are still guys that are so annoying. Jangan mintak nombor begitu saja boleh? Please? Thank you. New phone? End of the post k? :) New friends? Intan, Aina, Zata, Saddam, Amalia, Ain, Dania, Aqilah, Ilyaney, Haziq, Fitri, Zul, Abby, Syarah, Ira, Syafika dan ramai-ramai lagi :D New best friend? Nurul Ardini Bt Johari aka Anne :) Iloveyou comel :D New twin? Siapa lagi kalau bukan Cik Ziera Adurah Najwa bt Abd Aziz :D Dia ni kan, comel, lawo, handsome semua ada. Lol ;) Yang lain tu I love you guys so much Girls are so understandable. Guys are so nakal -.-' Hahahahahaha, k. I guess that just it. Assalamualaikum warahmatululahi wabarakutuhu and Goodbye to the non-muslims. 

Oh wait, the picture. Here you go lovelys :


Nokia C3 but in Purpleee. There was no purple so I tooked the pink picture :D

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